Grace Denis

Grace Gloria Denis’ work converges agricultural research with interactive installation, incorporating edible material, sound, and image to propose a convivial and comestible approach to critical inquiry. Implementing the meal as both a medium and a pedagogical tool, her work refers to participatory action research models, engaging in collaborations with actors in local food systems. Her work considers the meal, or quotidien interaction with edible matter, as a poetic tool of transmission, inviting a reimagination of sensorial relationships to consumption practices. She received her BFA from Cal Arts and her MFA from TRANS at Haute école d'art et de design de Genève (HEAD), with a focus on critical pedagogy and socially engaged practice. Her work has been exhibited in Mexico, the United States, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Greece, and Morocco. Grace has taught and developed non-profit arts education programs for various institutions and recently published the book In, From, and With: Exploring Collaborative Survival.

Photos: 1. Courtesy of the artist 2. Dupla Molcajete

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