Angela Schubot
Credit: Angela Vitovec
Angela Vitovec aka Angela Schubot is a choreographer, dancer, teacher, movement researcher and bodyworker. She works between Berlin and Tkaronto with roots in Peru.
She collaborated with Jared Gradinger (2009-2022), creating works on the debordering of the body and plant consciousness. She develops methods of radical softness and flow work and is certified practitioner of perceptive pedagogy and fascia therapy/Method Danis Bois.
Since 2012 her artistic practice has been researching and developing methods and possibilities to acknowledge non-human principles and beings and to interact with them. Her new cycle of work „Mossbelly“ combines movement research with specific methods of encountering plant entities, searching for bodies of multiplicity in deep communion with plant nature. 2023 Angela Schubot changes her artistic name, taking the name of her long-forgotten grandfather who was made aware to her by plants: Vitovec.
Overarching praxis statement:
My practice proposes to shift away from utilitaristic approaches to relationships with plants. Through entering into mutual communications with plant beings, I will develop a collaborative body of work in which learning occurs directly from the plants.
Current art and/or research interest:
At the core of my research is a hybrid practice of Trituration following the scientific principles of homeopathic medicine and movement research. Traditionally, Trituration has been a form of researching the healing properties of living substances, plant, animal or mineral. My approach of implementing this practice into dance also researches the encounter of humans and plants within the human body as a shared ecology. Based on trituration´s key principle of resonance: “Resonance with the substance energy leaves an experimental footprint (Kenntniss) that goes deeper than any book learning (Wissen).” (The Trituration Handbook, Hogeland and Schriebman, 2008), I will expand the concept of resonance into creating reciprocal and intimate relationships with plant beings and share the knowledge transmitted.
How can humans and plants co-create languages and new bodies? How can we turn to the multiplicity of nature in our own bodies? Where and how will shared bodies take place and which knowledge is co-created within them?
More about the artist: