Administrative Summary
Berlin Residency, 2018. Photo courtesy Aleks Slota.
We are a small, agile, collaborative institution and one which understands and values the broad terrain of UK postgraduate and doctoral provision and accreditation, while also adapting easily and flexibly to the nuances of individual partner processes and structures.
We also function as an International institutional exchange: The majority of our faculty and our (predominantly mid-career) doctoral candidates are employed in global art & research institutions and universities.
Partnering with TT is a net positive in relation to the number of completions your institution will submit as part of your REF submission: Since all TT PhD completions are registered and validated by our partner institutions, the number of completions of a partner HEI can be increased significantly without adding any additional administrative, technical or academic capacity.
Partnering with TT brings specific additional benefits for REF 2028 in relation to the “people and culture” category and its 25% weighting. Transart currently contributes 50% of our current partner’s completions: we will provide a total of 50 completions for this REF cycle.
We recruit mature, advanced practitioners that are already widely published at the time of their enrolment, which creates the opportunity to offer either 1 or 2 year part-time PhDs by publication, which in turn make tuition more affordable for candidates, resulting in more candidates and more completions for our partners. See our students here.
We have a deep supervisory pool: While the ability of UK institutions to grow their doctoral candidate numbers is often restricted by the availability of sufficient quantities of experienced supervisors, TT can provide an extensive pool of international, seasoned supervisors with experience of supervision within UK doctoral programmes. In previous partnerships, TT has provided lead or second supervisors (or both).
All our supervisors are vetted and trained by TT and are required by us to undergo any additional training required by our academic partners.
TT handles all recruiting and initial admissions processes. Our academic partners simply need to approve our final admissions selection and enrol or register approved candidates.
TT organises and facilitates all residencies, with an option to hold one at our partner institution if desired.
TT manages all tuition matters, as well as offering payment plans to make advanced education accessible to a wider range of candidates.