Artist Talk, Book Release and Exhibition walk-through with Transartist Kim Schoen
Artist Talk
Join Transartist Kim Schoen for an artist talk and conversation about her new book, Baragouin, with Edward Street, hosted by curator Edit Molnar from the ERH, and X Artist Books publisher Alexandra Grant.
Schoen made this artist book with art historian Edward Sterrett as a companion piece to her video installation Baragouin which is now on view at The Edith Russ Haus für Medienkunst.
Jun 23, 2021, 9:00 am PST / 6:00 pm Berlin
BARAGOUIN - Book Launch by Kim Schoen
Q & A session after the conversation.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 5504 9437
Passcode: 394827
Virtual exhibition 'walk-through'
Take an artist 'walk-through' of the exhibition on The Edith Russ Haus YouTube channel:
by Kim Schoen
Essay and provenence: Edward Sterrett
Design and typography: Ella Gold
6.5 x 9.25 inches, 120 pages, hardcover, $45
ISBN: 9780998861685
Baragouin is an artists’ book by Los Angeles and Berlin-based artist Kim Schoen. The book is a companion piece to a video work of the same name, filmed in a now-closed residential sculpture showroom in Los Angeles. The videoBaragouinpresents these sculptures—which are copies of copies of original works of art—as an important collection of art and records their “voices”—a pastiche of verbal nonsense and phonetically imitated sounds of languages from around the world. The sculptures range in style and geographic origin from Buddhist to Rococo, Neoclassical to Modernist.Baragouin, the book, catalogs these sculptures as a fictional collection and gives them each a clear art-historical provenance based on morphological resemblances.Baragouinis designed by Ella Gold and includes an essay and “provenance” work by Edward Sterrett.
Baragouinis launched in tandem with the exhibitionLanguage for Saleat Edith-Ruth-Haus in Oldenburg, Germany, from March 22 - June 12, 2021, featuring Kim Schoen's video work.
Photos ofBaragouinby Ian Byers-Gamber.