BANK, BLANK | 22 Jun - 1 Jul 2018 co-curated by Transartist Ece Pazarbaşı
Ali M. Demirel "$100" , 2003, DV, 5'18', image courtesy of the artist
- about new authenticity -
A/A, Halil Altindere, Carsten Becker, Ekaterina Burlyga, Catch a Falling Knife Collective, Yvon Chabrowski & Nicolás Rupcich, Mark Clare, Merve Çanakçı, Ali M. Demirel, Maurice Doherty, Mona El Gammal, Ingo Gerken, Ivana Franke, Caroline Kryzecki, Pierre-Etiene Morelle, Özgür Erkök Moroder & Steffi Weismann, Barbara Müller, Sladjan Nedeljkovic, Jakob Roepke, The Swan Collective, Pilvi Takala, Philip Topolovac & Markus Proschek, Chompunuch Vanichayanguranon & Theerawat Klangjareonchai, Ulrich Vogl and Maria Viftrup
curated by Ece Pazarbaşı and Stephan Klee
There is an empty bank at Karl Marx Straße, it still stands as the relict of the financial vision of the past centuries. Now the employers have left the building, the vaults are open and the cash machines are dismantled. This institution of faith in cash, trust in money and illusion of prosperity for the many not for the few has moved out. Within this empty shell, one cannot help asking, what else is substantial nowadays, what else is echt?
In a world interspersed with spectacle, illusions, hollow visions and unfulfilled dreams, it does not get only harder to authenticate a thing, but also echtchanges its meaning dynamically. Using the bank as a collective laboratory of visions and statements regarding the meaning of realness today in our society, the exhibition brings together 32 works from 25 artists and groups around the sub themes of matter, body and authenticity.
* BANK, BLANK is organised as the main exhibition of within the frame of 20th anniversary of 48 Hours Neukölln Festival.
Alte Sparkasse
Karl-Marx-Str. 107
12043 Berlin
22 Jun - 1 Jul 2018
from Fri, 22 June, 7 pm till Sat, 23 June, 2 am
General Opening Times
Sat, 23 June 12 pm – Sun 24 June 2am
Sun, 24 June 12 pm – 7 pm
Tue, 26 June 12 pm – Sun 1 July – 6 pm
Concept and Curation by
Kultur Netzwerk Neukölln e.V., Ece Pazarbasi and Stephan Klee