CURATING AS Political Action

SATURDAY, 26 Feb 2022

Time Zones for Students (2020)
Time Zones for Students (2021)
Time Zones for Faculty/Guests


Note: breaks are not reflected in the schedule which follows.

15:00 - 18:00 UTC

18:30 - 20:00 UTC

SUNDAY, 27 FEB 2022

Time Zones for Students (2020)
Time Zones for Students (2021)
Time Zones for Faculty/Guests


13:45 - 14:45 UTC

15:00 - 16:30 UTC

TT all student Meeting

Curating as a Political Action Part II-2:
Curatorial (mono-, multi-, perma)cultures (of display) part ii
A WOrkshop with Fabíola Maurício



Curating as a political action
in three parts
Ana Fabíola Maurício
& Carles Guerra


Curatorial (mono-, multi-, perma)cultures (of display)
A WOrkshop with Fabíola Maurício

Curatorial practices as forms of knowledge production
A Workshop with Luísa Santos

Curating dissent. A curatorial approach to postmedia documentary practices
A Workshop with Carles Guerra

There is a long tradition of interaction between questions of politics and questions of art and curatorial practices. However, arguably in the current decade this dialogue between art, the curatorial and politics has intensified, leading to a fundamental interrogation: What is at stake now in the different intersections of art, the curatorial and the political? How are the notions “politics”, “policies” and “the political” articulated within the practices of curating contemporary art? What, if any, is the specific political agency of curatorial practices? These questions have acquired ever-greater urgency in the wider political context of ascendant national populisms and systemic racism; mass displacement and anti-migrant mobilisations; the failure of governance structures to respond effectively to ecological breakdown; changing formations and strategies of political mobilisation.

Luísa Santos’ Biography | SITE

Ana Fabíola Maurício’s Biography | SITE

Carles Guerra’s Biography | SITE