Daniel Pinheiro

Born in Venezuela and based in Porto, Portugal with a background in theatre, Daniel Pinheiro has been exploring, among others, the concept of Telematic Art, using video as a tool and the internet as a platform, merging both languages into a single object of expression. In this field he aims at reflecting on the impact of technology on everyday life and the environment of the Internet as a reflection of a world where the abstract nature of this transmedia movement changes the notions of space, presence, privacy and identity.


Since 2011 my work has been one of exploring the possibilities and limitations of the digital space for the development of artistic and performative work. A constant analysis of what is involved in the making of these projects and the producing of critical thought in regards to technology and its affections has structured the body of work produced throughout the years. Aiming to continue to investigate the use of technology within the performing arts (its implications, affections, transformations) my practice has been mostly an exercise of highlighting the shifts in our culture produced by the insertion of new media technologies. An artistic approach which aims to identify and formulate a questioning which can help+ clarify and render visible the transformations happening, in the realm of the digital, beyond art making itself.
